Unearthly Origins

Welcome to the new site for the Unearthly brand of clothing. We’ve spent many years locally moving t-shirts to friends, family and neighbors and have finally taken the steps to go online.

Our pursuit has always been to find the most comfortable, best-fitting t-shirts, but produce them in extremely small and exclusive runs. Also, to create original designs that we own the copyrights to so that we can retire these designs as soon as our tees have met their limited production.

The Unearthly brand and design has always focused on freedom to express one’s dark side. Whether you’re into goth wear, subscribe to occult beliefs, or are just a fan of horror and the darker side of symbolism and life, we connect with a community unafraid to be our true selves. Some of the smartest, most respectable people we’ve met are not afraid to embrace and connect to this dark counter-culture and we salute you!

Our T-shirts are all designed in house by a select few artists and designers who create hand-drawn and digital art. We utilize full color HD graphic prints on all T-shirts that are handpicked for quality and fit. Our t-shirts are extremely unique in the fact that only a few will ever get to wear them; their exclusivity counters the ten-dollar mass produced tees found in most retail stores. We produce our shirts on-order and stand by the limited runs by recording each shirt on the blockchain for undeniable proof of the limitation of quantities produced as well as to provide true verification of ownership.

If you love what we’re striving to accomplish with the production of these shirts, please support us by joining our VIP Club. It’s free to join and you’ll receive some valuable exclusive discounts and updates when new designs are launched.

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